Margarita Tarapatova

Margarita Tarapatova

Author's music for piano, songs, etc..

I am a piano teacher and the head of the choir at the Children's Art School in Tosno, Leningrad Region (Russia). I am fond of composition for a very long time. I mainly write plays and songs for children, but there are also compositions for more experienced musicians. I will accept with interest the proposals for creating arrangements and arrangements for various compositions of musicians.

I offer my works of authorship for use by teachers of children's music schools, children's art schools, and others. I would be glad if you write comments and reviews about the works you like.

All songs uploaded on the site are recorded professional phonograms minus. I will gladly share it with everyone for a small fee. Write to e-mail:

18 April 2015, News
Вышел в свет сборник произведений
Издательством "Композитор-Санкт-Петербург" отпечатан сборник моих произведений "Картинки детства". В сборнике: фортепианные пьесы для учащихся детских музыкальных школ и школ искусств. Спрашивайте в нотных магазинах!